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A gathering; a confluence.

Although interconnected by telecommunications, contemporary life conditions seem to promote isolation. Researchers as Robert D. Putnam, on the other hand, considers that small nuclear communities of human beings will become a characteristic of the current era, as opposed to mass society, assuming that humans perform better in small groups that have affinity among their members.

In our case, the affinity lays in the shared interest in the "beyond", whether this refers to an intelligible structure, or not. This comes from following a vision, a certain knowledge that was either obtained through the study of traditional cosmogonies, trance,

psychedelic experimentation, medium channeling, or even rigurous mathematical thought.

This seemingly "blind" belief (not based in sensory input) can only be defined as a new type of mysticism, that was born in the heart of the "Capital" - being this Stockholm, Lima, Dublin, or the Capitalist Society as such.

Artists: Diana Riesco-Lind (PE), Emma Houlihan (IE), Isak Hall (SE), Michael Hurtado (PE), Manuel de la Barra (PE), Paola Torres Núñez del Prado (PE),  Pablo Sacristan (ES).


Presented in Mejan Gallery, 2013.

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